Monday, 31 March 2014

Lack of activity

The more observant of you may have noticed a decided lack of updates on my assorted sites over the last few months.
Three main reasons:
1) Back in December I foolishly wasn't taking enough regular backups and when I had a database crash I thought I'd lost rather a lot of work.
I'd always been able to simply re-open and carry on after a crash before!
WhollyGenes came to the party and returned a restored database to me, but I then had to work through and merge all the data between the one I carried on working with, and the one returned with the missing data in it. Finally completed in March.
Backup NOW, and regularly.
2) Back in January my lovely cat Zula died aged 17 (& four months for accuracy's sake).

3) I've now acquired two new kittens. The initial requirement was that they like each other, but so far, that looks to be problematic even though they are supposedly siblings and come from the same rescue shelter.
( The green eyes of jealousy are apt, but are actually the result of the flash rather than reality.)

Normal services should resume soon-ish!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Chromosome map update

The above is an update on my earlier Chromosome picture, but using a more comprehensive tool, thanks to Kitty Cooper's ChromosomeMapper.
The reason for this update is the small orange segment of dna on chromosome 15, a newly detected, triangulated match* between myself, two maternal aunts and Richard, my 6th cousin once removed.
I and the aunts descend from Elizabeth ALGAR and Richard PEEK, Richard descends from Elizabeth's brother Samuel ALGAR of Yealmpton, Devon.
Their parents, Samuel ALGAR & Sarah LOWRY married in 1720, at Yealmpton.

There aren't quite as many unmapped areas as all the grey indicates on the above, I've simply left off the match segments from the very close relations where there is insufficient information on matches to enable segments to be tied to specific earlier ancestors.

To identify more of the grey bits, and thus help break through some of the brick walls, I would particularly love to hear from descendants of the following of my ancestral lines who may be interested in exploring their genetic heritage, and thus help pinpoint where some of the many  matches "fit":
- William CLINTON & Jemima PARKER
- Robert TURNBULL & Eleanor SCOTT
- Andrew GRAHAM & Jane GRAHAM
- William BATY & Sarah BATY
Check out my FamilyFinder project FFLornaHen, and the FAQs about FamilyTree DNA's  FamilyFinder test, and if willing to help, please contact me (details on footer of most of my webpages)

* for an explanation on mapping and triangulation, see this article in Roberta Estes' DNAeXplained blog